RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT'S RESOLUTION TO HOIST KURSK TO BE SIGNED WITHIN WEEK MOSCOW, March 12 /from RIA Novosti's Dmitry Znamensky/ - Russia's Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov hopes that a government resolution on raising the nuclear submarine Kursk sunken in the Barents Sea will be signed within the week, he told journalists Monday. Central to the decision, in his view, is that it nails down a scheme for financing the operation and also the government's guarantees to fund the expenses of the international consortium set up to hoist the submarine, should the Kursk Foundation "fall short" of the required sum. The money is to be allowed for in next year's budget. Speaking of the timing of the operation, Klebanov emphasised that the government has in mind late August and early September this year. "This is the closest possible date," he added. July was never mooted as the time for lifting the submarine as this will be technically impossible, the vice-premier said.