MINIMAL PENSIONS RAISED ALL OVER RUSSIA MOSCOW, MARCH 1, 2001, /RIA-NOVOSTI CORRESPONDENT MARIA PERESLEGINA/ -- Minimal pensions in Russia were raised today, reaching the 600-rouble mark. (One dollar now costs 28.62 roubles -- Ed.) Local pensions will be raised still further before the year is out, says Mikhail Zurabov in charge of the Russian Pension Fund. According to Zurabov, pensions are going to be raised once again May 1, as well as in August and November, respectively. The Russian Pension Fund boasts ample reserves for implementing the projected pension raises, Zurabov went on to say. In his words, the Fund keeps all its monies (more than 70 billion roubles) at the Central Bank's accounts. According to Pension-Fund officials, 38 million Russian citizens are entitled to state pensions at this stage, what with 15 million Russians receiving maximum pensions. 7 million receive the minimal pension of 600 roubles. The remaining 16 million retirees are entitled to pensions ranging between 600 roubles and 1,300 roubles.