RUSSIA AND VIETNAM ON SECURITY IN ASIA-PACIFIC REGION HANOI, March 1, 2001, /from RIA Novosti special correspondent Marianna Shatikhina/--Measures to tighten security and increase trust in the Asia-Pacific region are of paramount importance to Russia and Vietnam, reads the Declaration of Strategic Partnership between Russia and Vietnam, which was signed in Hanoi earlier in the day by presidents of the two countries Vladimir Putin and Tran Duc Luong. According to the document, deployment of the Theatre High Altitude Area Defence in the APR may seriously affect regional stability and security and result in another arms race. Russia and Vietnam stress the importance of consultations between ASEAN and the five nuclear powers, and insist that they be carried on through the channels available so that the countries involved could sign a Protocol to the Agreement on a Nuclear Free Zone in South-Eastern Asia without delay and thereby contribute to the formation of a zone free of nuclear weapons, tighten the non-proliferation regime in accordance with the Treaty of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons signed in Geneva on July 1, 1968, and advance towards a nuclear-free world. The sides highly appreciate the role of regional forums such as the APEC, the Shanghai forum, ASEAN and its regional forum in the effort to create a favourable climate for multilateral and mutually advantageous cooperation in the APR. What with the Eurasian status of the Russian Federation, Vietnam backs Russia's aspiration to join the Asia-Europe Meeting and promises to support Russia as a candidate for ASEM membership.