CHAIRMAN OF THE FEDERATION ADVICE EVALUATES SCEPTICAL THE FORMATION OF THE GROUP " FEDERAZIJA " MOSCOW, 14 March. / RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Maria Balynina /. the chairman of the federation advice (upper house of the parliament of Russia) Jegor Strojew evaluates provisionally sceptically the formation of the group of parliaments of " Federazija " (federation) in the upper house. After its words the members of this group do not know yet, with which they will deal with themselves therein. The first session of the organizing committee of the group of " Federazija " took place on Monday, and over 80 members of the upper house of the parliament publication their intention of stepping this group. The members of the group underline that they do not have an intention of associating their group of parliaments with any a party and them for no parliamentary group judge. " Federazija " is at the same time written in the regulation of the group of parliaments that the consolidated tuning of the members of the group over code questions is intended. Jegor Strojew does not belong to this group. But after its words members of the group of " Federazija " pull it to rate.