PRESIDENT IRAN KNEW ITSELF OF THE FACT A CONVINCING THAT IN RUSSIA REPRESENTATIVES OF ALL DENOMINATIONS ATTENTION IS BROUGHT MOSCOW, 13 March. / Pjotr Gontscharow, Jewgeni Sajnabetdinow, korrespondenten of the RIA " Nowosti " /. the president Iran of the Mohammad Khatami could make sure with the negotiations in Moscow of the fact that the guidance of the Russian federation representatives of all denominations existing in Russia brings attention. The avowed Iranian president on Tuesday after its meeting with sheikh Rawil the Gajnutdin, chairman of the Muftirates Russia, before journalists. The president Iran gave printout to the certainty that the Russian guidance undertakes everything, which for the re-creation of the religious life and the increase of the life level both the Moslens and the representative of other denominations are necessary. The Muslims make noticeable contribution for the development of the Russian federation, mean Khatami.