THE PARLIAMENTARY GROUP " UNIT " DOES NOT BECOME OVER THE VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT VOICES MOSCOW, 13 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Arina Dowgan). The parliamentary group " unit " decided to boycott the tuning over the vote of no confidence against the government. Top representative of the parliamentary group Boris Gryslow did not explain to be correct that " it was decided, over this question ". " unit " requests all delegates of the Staatsduma to keep out from the tuning indicated Gryslow. The top representative of the parliamentary group is sure that the vote of no confidence is rejected against the government on Wednesday, although the 108 delegates, who set their signatures under the letter over the vote of no confidence against the government, could take part in the tuning nevertheless. Gryslow called the lively vote of no confidence against the government " a political farce of the parliamentary group of the KPdRF ".