SECRETARY OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL OF RUSSIA SERGEJ IWANOW INTO THE USA LEFT MOSCOW, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Olga Semjonowa /. before takeoff after Washington on Tuesday lent the secretary of the security council of the RF Sergej Iwanow of hope for the fact printout that its work attendance will contribute to the stabilization of the relations between Russia and the USA. How one indicated in the pressedienst of the security council of the RF, Iwanow had underlined that it is necessary to do maximal so that the Russian-American relations is stable, pragmatic and on the consideration of the mutual interests and that responsibility to be based, which our two countries carry. According to opinion of the secretary of the security council of the RF in the context of the relations between the USA and Russia after the power start of the new American administration undertaken first step, among them the exchange of messages and the telephone call between the president of the two countries, would flow certain optimism. " I hope that also the this times attendance of the development of the regular and erspriesslichen Russian-American contacts will serve, which are directed toward strengthening the confidence and the mutual communication between Russia and the USA " avowed Iwanow. " my judgement have we all possibilities to use, in order to go further - for the common determination of the priorities and parameter of cooperating, for the practical accommodation of a global bilateral dialog over the whole agenda and on all levels -, " underlined Sergej Iwanow. According to its opinion the baldigste organization of the first meeting of the presidents of Russia and the USA in this connection will have a great importance. The program of the work attendance of the secretary of the security council of the RF, which will persist by 16 March, designates the meetings Sergej Iwanows with the US Secretary of State Colin Powell and the Sicherheitsberaterin of the US president Condoleezza Rice.