HELD IN DAGESTAN A FURTHER CHECHNIAN " FIELD COMMANDER " MACHATSCHKALA, 13 March. / Dekabr Bejbutow, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. coworkers of the legal protection organs Dagestans held the 34jaehrigen Samurali Dibirow, inhabitant of the Rayons Noshaj Jurt, Chechnya, after which since 1994 foederale search had been initiated to Monday. That indicated Colonels of the Miliz Magomed Ismailow, boss of the committee of the foederalen Kriminalmiliz for Dagestan, on a press conference in Machatschkala. After its words is the held leader of a bandit grouping, to which even as the " hero Itschkeriens " was explained. Except the participation in fighting it is also suspected, a set of crimes, which are connected with the kidnapping to have committed. It was stated that Dibirow had been involved in the entfuehrung by five citizens Dagestans. It is assumed at the same time that it is the main figure in 15 procedures initiated because of kidnapping. The foederale search for Samarali Dibirow was initiated because of crimes, which it had committed 1994 in the area Kamtschatka. The bandit was held to the Russian aserbaidshanischen boundary with the attempt to arrive into the area of the neighbouring state with falsified papers.