PRIME MINISTER REQUIRES EFFECTIVE MEASURES AGAINST THE DRUG TRADE MOSCOW, 13 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The drug trade assumed enormous dimensions today in Russia and really threatened the health of the citizens and the future of the country. This avowed Prime Minister Mikhail Kasjanow on Tuesday in the introductory words at in this year the first session of the government commission3 for measures against the drug abuse and unlegitimen drug trade. According to Kasjanow one must make all resources, here not only the legal protection organs, but also the society the fight of this mischief altogether, mobile. The " medicine-other " drug use verzwanzigfacht itself in Russia in the last years more than. By 1 January of this yearly officially 450,000 drug-dependent were registered. This number does not correspond however to the real status of the things. Drug dependency provokes the accompanying illnesses of the type aids and hepatitis. According to the drawer prognoses the number of AIDS carriers will increase up to the year 2005 to a 1 million, if the situation does not change, said the Prime Minister. The spreading of the drug craze among the young people is particularly causing concern. Thus the health of the future generation is questioned, stressed the Prime Minister. Here drug dependency from the large cities shifts into the province. According to estimations of the legal protection organs the illegal drug trade amounts to related to value 70 billion rouble in the year, " the criminal businessmen for the order is ". " today Russia is not only a Durchleitungsland for the drugs, but also an enormous drug market ", he stressed. The legal protection organs took dimensioned measures according to the Prime Minister for the fight of this mischief. In the previous year in particular more than 50 tons of drugs and psychotrope means were seized. This is however fewer than 50 per cent of the entire drug trade. The fight of the drug spreading is a fitting not only the right protection organs, continued Mikhail Kasjanow. It is in many respects dependent on the one active social politics, precautions and medical-social rehabilitation of the patients. These measures require however coordinated actions of the organs of the health and training system, the social protection, the culture as well as the sport organizations. " one may not permit that the drug craze becomes an alternative of the healthy way of life. The state is to cause such conditions, on which in all life phases of the young people prerequisites would exist Mikhail Kasjanow for a healthy way of life ", said. The Prime Minister is convinced that the society is to support the drug-dependent with the fight of this mischief. At the session of the government commission3 in particular the fulfilment of the Foederalprogramms of the measures was discussed against the drug spreading and the unlegitimen drug trade.