MINISTER OF THE INTERIOR RUSSIA: THE CHECHNIAN MILIZISTEN IS TRAINED INSUFFICIENT WORONESH, 13 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The professional training of the Chechnian Milizisten is altogether insufficient, explained of Russia minister of foreign affairs Vladimir Ruschailo in Woronesh. The Chechnian Milizisten is not meanwhile capable of taking over the protection of the social order in Chechnya globally. Therefore they need still support of the experience-rich coworkers from other regions of Russia. For the moment 18 provisional departments of the inside function, said the Minister of the Interior Russlands in the Chechnian republic. Besides provisionally the assigned members serve the special police and the fast strike force in Chechnya, which important objects are to guard and execute special campaign. Constant Milizstellen gives it in each Chechnian settlement. Altogether there more than 5,000 local Milizisten are busy. New coworkers of the ministry of the Interior are selected and trained.