RUSSIA AND THE USA SETTING CONSULTATIONS OVER METAL TRADE AWAY MOSCOW, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Iwastschenko /. the Ministry for economic development and trade of the RF will address in the current week to the US commercial section suggestions over the accommodation of a new round of consultations to questions of the Russian metallurgical export to the American market. A avowed source in the Russian Ministry, which underlined that the Russian page plans to take up the consultations in the middle of April. Moscow suggests treating questions which are connected with the all-global agreement between Russia and the USA over metal trade, which was signed in the middle of July 1999 in Paris for 5 years. In the present agreement Bedingugnen for the Russian export of 15 types of metallurgical products are agreed upon to the American market. Among other things the Russian hot-rolled steel was supplied to agreement with the present agreement to the USA. In the year 2000 Russia could supply 325,000 t hot-rolled steel to the American market. But according to expert estimations the real export scope is many lower in previous year. At present the export of the Russian hot-rolled steel froze into the USA because of prices. Moscow explains itself to supply ready, in the year 2001 465,000 t hot-rolled steel to the USA, and suggests to Americans, steel not only to the extent of the avowed ratios to buy but also to the extent which was not implemented in previous year. The preceding round of the Russian-American consultations over metal trade took place at the end of of December previous yearly in Geneva and led to no concrete results.