RUSSIAN ONE OF MILITARY TAKING PART ITSELF IN CEREMONIES ON THE OCCASION OF 80. ANNIVERSARY OF THE ARMED FORCES THAT MONGOLIA ULAN BATOR, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Altman /. a military delegation of Russia is for the participation in ceremonies on the occasion of 80. Anniversary of the armed forces that Mongolia in Ulan Bator arrived. It is led by the colonel general Alexander Skworzow, deputy general staff boss of the armed forces of Russia. Alexander Skworzow explained that the armed forces of Russia and that had always maintained Mongolia the friendly mutual relations. The Russian delegation will execute meetings and negotiations with the Secretary of Defense of Mongolia Shugderdemidin Gurragtscha and the general staff boss Zerenbalshin Daschseweg. The pages will treat questions of the implementation of the program for military and military-technical co-operation between the two countries for the current year. It will take place the ceremony of the honor of Mongolian army members with the Russian medal " for strengthening the weapon community ".