PRESIDENT OF IRAN SHOWED INTEREST IN RUSSIAN FLIGHT GUIDANCE CENTER MOSCOW, 13 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The second day of the official Russia attendance of the president of Iran Sayed Mohammad Khatami began on Tuesday with the attendance in the Russian flight guidance center. The Iranian president shows a increased interestingness for the study of the experiences of the Russian weltraumfahrt. Evenly for this purpose he came to the flight guidance center, where he will take view of the recent performances of Russia during the space development. Afterwards Sayed Mohammad Khatami at the Muscovites national university for international relations (soot Abk. becomes: MGIMO) a speech before lecturers and students hold. The MGIMO rector will present the honour document of the doctor of philosophy for special earnings/services during elaboration and spreading of novation ideas in the area of philosophy, among other things the conception to the dialog between civilizations, to the Iranian president in a solemn atmosphere. The program of the second daily of the stay of the president of Iran in Russia designates also the attendance in the Muscovites national university, where Sayed Mohammad Khatami will meet with the guidance, lecturer and student of this Russian training mechanism. The director/conductor of the executive force of Iran as well as representatives of the Iranian lines of business, which accompany him, becomes subsequently, which execute negotiations with the guidance of the federation of the industriellen and entrepreneur of the RF. How a representative of this federation of the RIA said " Nowosti " opposite, Russia Iran refrains as a promising and favourable market for the paragraph from products of Russian producers. One does not have to understand this country as a " banana republic ", because its commercialeconomic potential can enable it to him to take in the perspective fixed positions not only on the world market for the paragraph of hydrocarbons, but also in other area of the international division of labor. Members of the Iranian delegation, which the lines of business of Iran represent, indicated for their part the RIA to " that " it is appropriate, co-operation Nowosti " in trade to develop economics and industry between Russia and Iran in the context of the mutual interestingness for the achievement of a substantial progress within these areas ". " for the two countries it is today importantly, a mechanism for the financing of projects of bilateral co-operation, particularly in energetik, aircraft construction, oil and natural gas industry, to create ", emphasized Iranian businessmen. According to their opinion it is also important to create conditions for the ratification and the entry into force of an intergovernmental agreement over the building of the feed passage " north south ". After words of representatives of the State Department of Iran the president Sayed Mohammad Khatami attaches a special meaning for Tuesday to the negotiations designated with the chairman of the Muftirates Russia, sheikh Rawil Gainutdin. " for the Islamic republic Iran is important to know to what extent the Islamic population of the Russian federation is free in the printout of its religious feelings and during the rite practice ", underlined Iranian diplomats.