RUSSIA PAYS BACK TO ROUND 170 MILLION DOLLAR TO PARIS CLUB MOSCOW, 12 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Moscow pays in this week approximately 170 million dollar to that Paris club of the creditor countries and erases thereby also a part of overdue obligations from January. 41.5 million dollar are in March due debts, was reported on Monday from the Treasury in Moscow. With the remaining scarcely 129 million dollar about half of the January rates one pay. The other half is to be transferred in April. The rate is transferred by the external trade bank of Russia (Wneschekonombank) on Monday evening or on Tuesday. In January and February Russia had paid back more than 1.33 billion dollar to the giver countries. In this year Russia must arise with Paris club with altogether 3.73 billion the dollar. The total indebtedness amounts to according to specified specification of the Treasury 48.4 billion dollar inclusive interest. From it originate 40.2 billion dollar from times of the Soviet Union.