ZORAN DJINDJIC: THE INTERNATIONAL PEACE FORCES HAVING AGAINST THE ALBANIAN TERRORISTS PROCEDURE BELGRADE, 12 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Slabynko). The international Kosovo Friedenskraefte (KFOR) is to suppress the Albanian extremism, because upon failure of which they are suppressed by this terrorism and with dishonor to take off to have, avowed Zoran Djindjic, Serbian Prime Minister, opposite the Belgrader newspaper " glass ". On the other hand is the prime minister of the opinion that KFOR is not calm meanwhile on these internal messages. It requested to put an independent commission that was to get the reasons straight, from which the international peace forces the Albanian extremists in the Kosovo did not disarm. The latter act now also in the south of Serbia and in Macedonia. Today be it clearly that the developments are not only to due to a bad policy of Milosevic. To the Kosovo problem Djindjic expressed the zuversicht that the Serbs in their majority agree to live in the region together with the Albanians if they create a dialog. It is possible only in this way, " Europe to occur ".