IL-96-MASCHINE MADE FORCED LANDING IN THE AIRPORT SCHEREMETJEWO-2 MOSCOW, 12 March. / Korr. of the RIA " Nowosti " /. during the forced landing of a Il-96-Maschine in the Muscovite airport Scheremetjewo-2 on Sunday came nobody to damage. As is reported from the pressedienst of the administration of the inside for air traffic, o'clock Muscovite time at the desk of the air traffic controller of the airport is the message of the commander of the flight number 600 Soeul at 17.13 - Moscow over suspending the fourth hydraulic system appeared. At 17.18 o'clock took the airplane a successful landing before 170 aircraft passengers and 16 crew members to welfare remained. For the moment the ground services of the airport clarify the causes of the disturbance, in the pressedienst were stressed.