VLADIMIR PUTIN GAVE HIS BOOK PUBLISHED IN RUSSIA TO THE PRESIDENT OF IRAN MOSCOW, 12 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. Before the beginning of the official negotiations with the president of Iran in the Kremlin the president of Russia Vladimir Putin Sayed Mohammad Khatami has to the approaching new year (after the Islamic calendar) and to that just to end congratulates to sacrificing celebration gone. In Russia one knows well Sayed Mohammad Khatami, said Vladimir Putin and underlined that in our country a book of the Iranian president was just published. After words Vladimir PUT in is the book not only for Muslims, but also for a broad set of readers interesting. Therein, the Russian president underlined, is such things like mutual relations between civilizations, between whom the east and the west durchdacht philosophically, which today is very current. Vladimir Putin gave Sayed Mohammad Khatami its book, which had been published in Russia. The president of Iran said for his part that in the words Vladimir is PUT in the " Russian heart quality to be felt ". " I am pleased much about the possibility of visiting a good and beautiful country ", said Khatami and lent to hope printout that its attendance will be erspriesslich. The meeting takes place in presence of the assistants of the presidents of Russia and Iran. Russischerseits takes part in it the deputy director/conductor of the Kremlin administration Sergej Prichodko.