MOSCOW ATTENDANCE OF THE IRANIAN PRESIDENT - HISTORICAL EVENT IN RELATIONS OF THE TWO COUNTRIES MOSCOW, 11 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The attendance of the Iranian president Mohammed Chatami in Moscow is a historical event in the relations between Russia and Iran. That said the Iranian Ambassador in Moscow, Mehdi Safari, on Sunday on a press conference in Moscow. " it concerns the first visite on such level in the relations between the two countries for 40 years. During the attendance important documents are signed, daruner contract over the bases of the relations and over principles of co-operation, a common assertion over the Kaspi sea like also several assertions to current international and regional problems. " The Ambassador emphasized in particular that the attendance of the Iranian president in Moscow has one expressed a political character. " questions of military-technical co-operation are brought thereby not to the language ", stressed the struggle-high Iranian diplomat. Chatami is from 12 to 15 March in the Russian capital. It follows an invitation of Russian president Vladimir Putin.