6MR18037 GROUP OF " PEOPLE DELEGATES ": AUSEINANDERJAGEN THE PARLIAMENT BECOMES POLITICAL SITUATION IN RUSSIA ENTSTABILISIEREN MOSCOW, 11 March. / Galina Filippowa, correspondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. the group of " people delegates " regards the intention of bringing in the vote of no confidence against the government of Russia and the Auseinanderjagen of the parliament possible in this connection as a politically harmful initiative, which can harm the stabilization of the social-economic situation in the country. The avowed Anatoli Aksakow, delegate of the Staatsduma, House of Commons of the parliament, deputy chairmen of the political advice of the totalRussian socio-political movement of " people delegates " on Sunday in the discussion with journalists. " we want to waste not our forces and means of the people for their penetration ", said it. When initiators of the motion of no confidence occurred the communists, who were supported actually by the Kremlin-friendly parliamentary group " unit ", which seeks to implement the dissolution of the parliament and the execution of preferred parliamentary elections. Aksakow stressed that the outputs for extraordinary elections will be into the Staatsduma more than 2 billion rouble, which is not intended for these purposes in the household. " therefore one will have to make her, for which purpose one will have to shorten other output posts, among them for the wrong-checked social sphere ", noticed the delegate. The delegates of the group do not agree also after its words with the fact that the today's composition of the Staatsduma is allegedly an obstacle for the acceptance for the development of the country necessary laws. In this connection Aksakow referred to the fact that in the previous year all by the president of the country brought in most important laws had been assumed. " with it both Zentristen and rights and the positive role played a linking ", determined he. Furthermore Aksakow explained: " the political crisis, which are artificially created now, into which both the president and the government and the Staatsduma are included, become only the increasing political apathy of the population, a new crisis of the confidence power generally lead. " The delegate means: " in the international arena thereby the confidence will undermine to Russia as to a serious business partner, which will lead to shrinking the foreign investments, which will cause a new decrease in the Russian economy. " Anatoli Aksakow is convinced that the government is to improve their work. But Putin quite goes political will of the president in to its opinion. The motion of no confidence against the government will come in the plenary session on 14 March to the language.