HELD IN DAGESTAN STILL ANOTHER PROMINENT CHECHNIAN TERRORIST MACHATSCHKALA, 11 March. / Dekabr Bejbutow, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. in Dagestan was held to Sunday the well-known Chechnian terrorist Wacha Mashidow. Coworkers of the administration Dagestani boundary of the ministry of the Interior of the republic executed the operation to its holding. Mashidow is suspected of shooting of two coworkers of the Kajakenter Rayonabteilung of the inside 1996 in the space of the settlement Solnetschnoje, Rayon Chassawjurt of Dagestan, which performed the service for the protection of the administrative boundary with Chechnya. Wacha Mashidow, born 1961, is a fanatischer trailer of the Wahhabismus. It participated under the command one the leader of the bandit formations Magomed Chambijew in the fighting against the foederalen forces. By the six bandits, who in the murder were involved by two dagestanischen Milizionaeren, one was killed in the fire fight, three were held later.