AMERICAN ASTRONAUTS TERMINATED SPACE WALK KOROLJOW, 11 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Eduard Pusyrjow). The American astronauts James Voss and Susan of helmet, members of the 2. Regular crew of the international orbital station EAT, its walk at the outer skin of the station on Sunday completed. That indicated Sergej Pusanow, representative to the USA space agency NASA, RIA " Nowosti " on the same day. The astronauts, which on passed Saturday on board the USA space shuttle Discovery to EAT had arrived, prepared for the Andockung of the module Leonardo, which they bring along. The work was led by the Russian cosmonaut Juri Ussatschow, commander of the second ISS crew. According to Pusanow the astronauts were in the course of almost seven hours in the free Welall. The NASA representative expressed hope that that Leonardo module is successfully angedockt. In an emergency the astronauts could undertake still another space walk and check the Andockung of the module.