RUSSIA BECOMES ASSET AT ONE OF THE LARGEST ARMS EXPOSURES IDEX-2001 TAKING PART ABU DHABI, 11 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Igor Kuznetsov). More than 800 societies from 42 countries take part in one of the world largest weapon exposures IDEX-2001, which is executed of the Arab emirates united from 18. to 22 March in the capital. Russia, which takes part traditionally since 1993 to the IDEX, will be represented by 50 societies, development offices and enterprises of the arms ruestungsindustriellen of complex. This indicated on Sunday the journalists to Brigadier General Sultan aluminium-Suweidi, chairman of the organizing committee of this exhibition. For the first time take part in the exposure Kazakhstan, Bosnia and Herzogowina, Brazil and Ireland. IDEX will already acknowledge its reputation according to the general for the fifth time as a complex exhibition of the weapons of all branches of service with exception of air forces. This time e.g. 13 ships become from 7 countries, including which submarine of Pakistan exposes. 17 combat vehicles from 9 states will illustrate their technical characteristics on the test area. Presenting firing exercises are executed from 13 systems from 11 countries.