OF EGYPT A PRESIDENT HOSNI MUBARAK MOSCOW IN THE FIRST YEARLY HALF ATTENDANCE BECOMES MOSCOW, 11 March. / Korr. of the RIA " Nowosti " /. Vladimir Putin had a telephone call with the president of Egypt Hosni Mubarak on Sunday. As was indicated in the pressedienst of the president of Russia, were Putin and Mubarak agreed to organize in the first half of the current yearly a Moscow attendance of the president of Egypt in order to maintain regular Russian-Egyptian contacts on highest level. Concrete periods of the attendance of Mubarak are to be co-ordinated on diplomatic channels, in the pressedienst of the Russian Staaschefs were determined. In the telephone call the presidents of the two countries discussed current questions of bilateral co-operation and began to cut with the situation approximately around the Middle East regulation which are connected topics.