HISTORY WITH THE TUNNEL UNDER THE RUSSIAN MESSAGE IN THE USA IS THE LARGEST FINANCIAL AFFAIR OF THE US SECRET SERVICES MOSCOW, 11 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Olga Semjonowa). History with the hearing tunnel under the Russian message in the USA can emerge as the largest financial affair during the whole existence time of the American secret services. " Nowosti " a veteran of the Russian external clearing-up service opposite the RIA, which was for the overseas colleagues " responsible for many years ", expressed this point of view. According to this very much informed source, which is not called with names, the Russian page actually discovered " more than 10 years ago that the Russian message in Washington is digitally heard, and took measures, around interception of really important specification to prevent ". In contrast to the famous " citizen of Berlin tunnel " did not require however this tunnel - so the veteran of the clearing-up service - large strength and central expenditure, since " the available underground infrastructure of communications was completely sufficient, the necessary devices to install over there ". The large connoisseur of the American secret services is not " over the facts that this information about the assigned means, such a valuable for any secret service, oozed and digital hearing procedures into the mass media, but in the opposite over importunate striving, the attention of the public surprises on the complex, however - how this turned out - useless internal message of the NSA and FBI to direct ". The American newspapers refer even to " highranking officials ", who visited this tunnel. FBI would have demonstrated them this " secret weapon ". That is a miss absolutely inconceivable from the view of the defense, whereby the set of possible " sources " is expanded for the opponent. For reconnaissance aircraft is it absolute unique that the American secret services apart from the principal purpose, which uncovering the tunnel the FBI coworker Robert Hanssen, which was arrested on 18 February of this yearly, " to charge ", still another target pursue, which not so obviously to convince in addition, is very important, the American taxpayers and possibly also the congress members, who the financing of the secret services control, that the guidance at that time of the clearing-up services put " hundreds of millions dollar " (according to the American mass media this pseudo tunnel has evenly so much cost) not into the own bag, but usable - for the digital espionage against the enemy number 1 - used. This version is supported according to the clearing-up expert even by further " oozed " instructions over similar of tunnel under the Russian consulate in San Francisco and allegedly even under the message of the RF in the metropolis of neighbouring Canada. Also a diplomatic scandal will not hold the American secret services before further " self exposing within the area of the espionage ", since upon failure of which a " financial affair " is accused to them, because it asks itself: If those of tunnel does not shift particularly, but already available communication tunnel were used, where are then the supplied millions?