PUBLIC PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE OF THE TSCHETSCHENENREPUBLIK BECOMES ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATIONS AT RUSSIAN FAMILIES ON THE TERRITORY OF THE REPUBLIC OF EXAMINING MOSCOW, 11 March (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The public prosecutor's office of the Tschetschenenrepublik will examine several attempted assassinations at Russian families on the territory of the republic. According to specification of Wsewolod Tschernow, public prosecutor of the Tschetschenenrepublik, lately in the Republic of some Russian families, under it infants, of the bandits had been murdered. A dreistes crime was committed at the night to 10 March in the urban district Lenin ski of the Chechnian capital Grosny, when two Russian girls under age were killed and a further girl were seriously hurt. Similar crimes were registered in other areas of the Tschetschenenrepublik. Were initiated criminal procedures, which are personally controlled after words of the public prosecutor by it. " certain forces in the Tschetschenenrepublik try to against-add themselves to the re-creation of the peace and entstabilisieren the position in Chechnya after forces. The public prosecutor's office of the Tschetschenenrepublik will undertake all only possible one to find and being entitled punish over the criminals ", said Tschernow. Human right organizations in Russia and abroad, which use the possibility each time, in order to hang offences against the human rights in the Tschetschenenrepublik by member of the foederalen forces to the large bell, practice strangely enough silence to the crimes of the Chechnian extremists.