DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF RUSSIA OVER AFGHANISTAN IS NOT CONNECTED WITH DESTRUCTION OF CULTURAL MONUMENTS BY THE TALIBAN MOSCOW, 11 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. The decree of the president of Russia Vladimir Putin " over measures for the fulfilment of the resolution of the security council No. 1333 from 19 December 2000 " is not connected with the destruction of praeislamischer cultural monuments, which are on the territory controlled by the Taliban movement. That indicated on Sunday the deputy minister of foreign affairs of Russia Sergej Ordshonikidse. After its words this document was assumed regarding the Taliban, which are not determined to lead peaceful negotiations and to regulate the internal-political position in Afghanistan, as well as all those countries, which render assistance directly or indirectly to the Taliban movement and support them. In accordance with the UN Sanktionsresolutionen all participating states of the United Nations are obligated to fulfill these resolutions by the Ineinklangbringen of the inland legislation with regulations of these documents. Therefore Russia was obligated like also different states to take inland legislation measures which would correspond to the regulations of this resolution accurately. This had been done by the president of Russia on 10 March by the signing of the appropriate decree, stressed the deputy minister of foreign affairs. Differently said, described it, is that a normal standard sanction procedure, which is put by all states over their internal decree and arrangements into practice. Ordshonikidse underlined that the Russian page with the Taliban maintains no relations, gives it on the territory of Russia no agencies of the Taliban movement and the Afghan airline " Arian " does not function already for a long time.