SERBIAN SECURITY FORCESES PREPARING ITSELF FORWARDS TO MARCH INTO THE BUFFER ZONE AT THE BOUNDARY WITH MACEDONIA BELGRADE, 11 March. / Sergej Rjabikin, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. the guidance of the international forces in the Kosovo / KFOR / acknowledged that it had been permitted to the safety forces of Serbia and Yugoslavia to return and from its right to protection of the territorial integrity of the country use make to the security zone along the boundary with Macedonia. The avowed vice-prime minister of Serbia Nebojsa Covic. After its words he had discussed this question on Saturday when meeting with the commander of the KFOR Carl Cabigiosu and the envoy UNO Secretary-General Pieter of the Feith. Covic referred to the fact that information about the beginning of the implementation of this resolution is in time spread. The deputy head of the government stressed that it thereby around a very much complicated and dangerous zone concerns. The guidance of the republic is anxious to protect their troops and the police during the invasion of the troops in the security zone and to ensure full security for all inhabitants of this region. The vice-prime minister of Serbia of verrwies on the constructional viewpoint this problem on the part of the KFOR guidance. That means that Yugoslavia and KFOR in always pouring rem become mass partners, stressed it.