MOSCOW HOPES FOR POSITIVE RESULT OF THE RUSSIAN-CIranian SUMMIT MOSCOW, 11 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). Moscow hopes that the forthcoming meeting of the presidents of Russia and Iran, Vladimir Putin and Muhammad Khatami " opens ", " the door " with the regulation of the points of issue in connection with the legal definition of the status of the Kaspi sea. This avowed Viktor Kaljushny, representative of the president of Russia for the Kaspi sea and deputy minister of foreign affairs of Russia, on a press conference in Moscow. He explained that the Iranian page expressed the desire to sign to the results of the summit an assertion how this was the case after the discussions of the Russian president with the guidance of Kazakhstan and Aserbaidshans. The common assertion created from the pages issues not all points of issue over the problems of the Kaspi sea, said Kaljushny. Large hopes are set however according to it directly into the discussion of the two presidents. For the present status of the negotiations over the legal status of the Kaspi sea the deputy minister of foreign affairs stated that had succeeded in the passed year to bring the positions of the Kaspi adjoining owners together more near whereby the central role in this thing played evenly Russia. " that is a large success, because beforehand we seemed to be in a dead end ", described he. On the other hand Kaljushny expressed a " appearing strange " over the demand of the Iranian page to divide the Kaspi sea " fairly ". It described that if Teheran refers this position, then is unsolvable the kaspische problem " in consideration of the existing agreement between Russia and Kazakhstan ". The deputy Minister noted that Moscow and Teheran lead an intensive dialog: However in the passed six months 6 meetings were held over this question. The interest of Iran in the solution of the kaspischen problem is " welcome " according to Kaljushny, even if a positive result is missing. Quite different position represents - so Kaljushny - Turkmenistan, which keeps out from any negotiations on the working plane. Kaljushny understands " the position Turkmen baschi, which a meeting of the heads of state requires ". It is however impossible to solve all questions on these summits. Evenly for this purpose one braeuchte work meetings.