THE AFGHAN MESSAGE IN MOSCOW COUCHES NO SPECIFICATION CONCERNING THE TALIBAN DEPARTMENTS IN RUSSIA FORWARDS MOSCOW, 11 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The Afghan message in Moscow no specification concerning the seat or the function of any departments of the Afghan movement Taliban in the area of Russia is present. This are reported opposite the RIA " Nowosti " on Sunday from an informed source in the Afghan message in their statement on the decree of Russian president Vladimir Putin over the measures against the Taliban. This document became on 10 March in connection with the 1333. Resolution of the UN security council from 19 December 2000 signs, which is to also fulfill Russia. The resolution designates that the signatory states are to execute the imported sanctions against the movement Taliban. The decree of the Russian president designates however also additional limitations in relation to the area of Afghanistan, which is under check of the Taliban. Decree moderate in particular all departments of the movement Taliban and agencies of the Afghan airline Ariana are to be closed on the territory of the Russian federation. In this connection the source stated that " the agency of the airline Ariana in Moscow ' " only ' functions formally. After the power start of the Taliban in Kabul on 26 September 1996 the flights of this airline were stopped to Russia. Here the source referred to it that the legal government of the president Burhanuddin Rabbani holds the point of view, after which these sanctions also against Pakistan is to be introduced, that the Taliban militarily and materially supported.