RUSSIA ATTENDANCE OF THE PRESIDENT OF IRAN IS OCCUPATION, THE DEVELOPMENT OF CO-OPERATION A NEW IMPULSE TO RENTAL BUSINESSES MOSCOW, 11 March. / RIA "Nowosti" Korr. /. On Monday the Russia attendance beginning of the president of Iran Sayed Mohammad Khatami is destined to lend to the development of bilateral co-operation on all areas a new impulse. Official representatives of the offices with regard to foreign policy of the two states in the apron of the arrival of the Iranian president in Moscow expressed such an opinion. As the RIA admits " Nowosti " on Sunday from informed sources in the Russian State Department became, during the negotiations Sayed Mohammad Khatamis with president Vladimir Putin detailed exchange of views will take place to questions of the development of the Russian-Iranian relations, over perspectives of bilateral commercialeconomic co-operation as well as to problems of the international and regional character. After words of Russian diplomats the signing of a set of documents is expected. Among them contract over bases for mutual relations and principles of co-operation, common assertions over terrorism, questions of international security and strategic stability.