IN THE USA GOODS ON SECRET TUNNELS UNDER RUSSIAN MESSAGE EXTREMELY PRIDE WASHINGTON, 11 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Arkadi Orlow /. the American secret services it were of the secret tunnel under the Soviet and later the Russian message for electronic hearing in such a manner proud that they had even offered highranking persons in the American administration, which to secret objects had the highest category of the permission " excursion ions " by the tunnel. That indicated on Sunday the newspaper to " Washington post office " under note to unnamed former representatives of the US administration. It is informative that all these operations with that had been made the Americans inherent Zynismus, accompanied by the which hanging toners propaganda over certain espionage activity of Russia against the USA. Thus American experts, it admits the technologies used in the tunnel to who is indicated to the newspaper that hearing took place by different-species-characteristically " bugs ", from whom a section to supply lines in the tunnel by light direction or kupferdraehte had been attached. Some such " bugs " could be attached to message channels or even electric power supply lines, whose electromagnetic radiation one intercepts " and decode " could. In the tunnel also lasers were used, which intercepted acoustic waves of wasserleitungsrohren and steel beams of the building construction of the building of the message. A former American specialist for electronic clearing-up even indicated that " tiny microphones could be inserted into toilet bowls by wasserleitungsrohre for hearing the discussions into toilets ", write the newspaper " Washington post office ". Directly some sources among former official persons and representatives of the secret services of the USA affirmed the newspaper the fact that the information of small importance, won over the tunnel, had been and that in the course of several years as turned out later, which had received the USA over the tunnel to a large extent the information. According to specification of the newspaper the US Government for the building of this tunnel bought a house in the proximity of the message. Some former representatives of the secret services of the USA, which admit substantial technical difficulties with the building of such a system, acknowledged " Washington post office " to the newspaper that the CIA had a special structure, which had complicated tunnel technologies. " that is not the only tunnel of this type. It gave it ", indicated much to one such representative to the newspaper.