OF RUSSIA PRESIDENT DECIDED ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS FOR TALIBAN MOSCOW, 11 March (of RIA Nowosti Korr.) Of Russia president Vladimir Putin a decree " over measures for the implementation of the resolution 1333 of the UN security council from 19 December 2000 " signed. How was reported from the pressedienst of the president, the decree designates additional restrictions for of the Taliban controlled territory of Afghanistan. All Russian state States of, industry -, trade, - financial and transport enterprise like also all other legal and natural persons received the statement to go out with their activities from the regulations of the president decree number 786 from 5 May 2000. Beyond that for the period from 19 January 2001 by 19 January 2002 apart from is forbidden the measures designated in the decree number 786 selling and transferring military goods, supplying goods and technologies with double purpose as well as back-up and delivery parts for these products directly or indirectly to the areas of Afghanistan, which are controlled by the Taliban movement. Some other restrictions are introduced additionally by the president decree. Prohibition is among other things the stay of all office holders, representatives, advisors and military for military consultations for the Taliban. On the territory of the Russian federation all agencies of the Taliban movement are as to be closed also the agencies of the Afghan airline Ariana. Beyond that of Russia gave president the statement, all means and the other financial active by Ussama is to loading to be in-content. Intended are also different restrictions and prohibitions, which apply to the territory of Afghanistan controlled by the Taliban movement.