ARAB COUNTRIES AND IRAN CONDEMNING EXPRESSION OF THE USA EXTERNAL BUREAU CHIEF POWELL, JERUSALEM IS CAPITAL OF ISRAEL DAMASCUS, 11 March (of RIA Nowosti rIA-Nowosti-Korrespondent Alexander Krasnow). Syria, the united Arab emirates, which Palestinians and Iran have on Saturday the expression of the USA Aussenamtschefs Colin Powell condemned, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Powell announced the intention of the United States of shifting their message from Tel Aviv after Jerusalem. The minister of foreign affairs of the united Arab emirates, sheikh Hamdan Zaid aluminium-Nahyan ben, explained opposite the USA Ambassador that its country feels deep indignation and regret in connection with the expression Powells. It required an explanation of this expression of the USA Aussenamtschefs from the Ambassador. Powells of words " create a dangerous Praezendenzfall and mean a support of the Besatzers and aggressor ", stressed the minister of foreign affairs of the VAE. according to its opinion thereby the confidence in relation to the USA politics in the Near East completely would undermine. Now become it clearly, which will pursue politics the new administration under the direction of president George Bush. The guidance of the Palestinian national autonomy condemned Powells assertion likewise and did not stress that " none of the pages is justified accumulates to change Jerusalems so long the negotiations to this problem is final ". " the holy Jerusalem is in accordance with the resolutions of the UN security council a part by Israel 1967 filled of the areas, over its status negotiations is led ", is called it in an assertion of the guidance of the autonomy. Additionally the press secretary of the State Department of Iran explained that a shifting of the USA message from Tel Aviv could intensify the conflict in the Near East after Jerusalem radically. It called the moslemischen countries and the international organizations to take effective measures in order to prevent the implementation of this project of the USA administration. Israel had explained Jerusalem as its capital, had not been recognized completely the Annexion of the eastern Arab section of the city 1967 however by the international commonwealth of nations. Many messages are further in Tel Aviv.