CENTRAL BANK OF RUSSIA STATUS IN NO RELATIONSHIP WITH THAT THE BANK OF NEW YORK SUFFUSED ERROR MOSCOW, 7 March. / Korr. of the RIA " Nowosti " /. the central bank of Russia and their guidance were located in no relationship with the erroneous transfer of 2 million dollar from the bank OF New York / the USA / into the Russian bank " Nishegorodez ". Today " Nowosti " is reported from the section for external relations and PR of the central bank of Russia opposite the RIA. In the message it means: Lately publications appeared over the erroneous transfer of 2 million dollar from the bank OF New York into the Russian bank " Nishegorodez " 1994 in mass media. The regional authorities of Nishni Nowgorod had taken measures, in order to correct and the cash return the developed situation, in the central bank of Russia were determined.