OF RUSSIA A PRESIDENT OCCURRING BECOMES ON 26 MARCH WITH MESSAGE TO THE FOEDERALVERSAMMLUNG MOSCOW, which 7 March / Korr. of the RIA " Nowosti " called /. Gennadi Sjuganow, director/conductor of the KPdRF, the day, on which of Russia president with the message to the Foederalversammlung of the RF, which will occur from the federation council, upper house of the parliament, and the Staatsduma, whose House of Commons exists. How the RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent announces, Sjuganow on a press conference indicated in the Staatsduma that Vladimir Putin in the Foederalversammlung its specification will occur after on 26 March. Sources in the Kremlin administration have Nowosti " opposite the RIA " acknowledged that the president with the message will occur to the Foederalversammlung at the end of March, explained however that the exact date was not determined meanwhile yet. After words of the interlocutors of the RIA " Nowosti " the work is continued at the message.