MUCH MORE COMMON THAN DIFFERENCES ", THAT EXPLAINED THE USA AND RUSSIA " CREDIT FORMER AMBASSADOR OF THE USA IN MOSCOW WASHINGTON, 7 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Arkadi Orlow /. the USA and Russia " have many more common than differences ". The avowed former Ambassador of the USA in Moscow Robert bunch, today one of the most well-known American lawyers and chairman of the American-Russian business advice. The solemn receipt and the concert in honours of Robert bunch took place in the Tuesday evening in the residence the Ambassador of the RF. The honours of well-known Americans, who made a substantial contribution for the development of the dialog between the USA and Russia, are made in Washington on initiative of Ambassador Russlands in the USA Juri Uschakow. In its discussion with journalists in the residence of the Russian Ambassador in Washington bunch underlined that at present the mutual relations between the USA and Russia " something cooled down and on some difficulties is pushed ". But the USA and Russia will overcome according to its opinion them together. The chairman of the American-Russian business advice explained that he is safe still of the " beautiful future " of the Russian-American relations. In his speech Ambassador Russlands in the USA Juri Uschakow underlined that Robert bunch entered history as an Ambassador, who had operated at the same time in the capitals of the two states - first the USSR and then the Russian federation -. After his words Robert bunch compiled a special sympathy for Russia during his activity in Moscow and earned the respect of the Russian guidance and all Russian citizens. Robert bunch welcomed representatives of the State Department and the house of representatives of the congress of the USA, the former security advisor of the US president Samuel Berger, well-known American journalists and political TV Kommentatoren. To the receipt the Ambassador of the USA had come into Russia James Collins particularly from Moscow.