PRESIDENT OF NIGERIA MEETS TODAY WITH RUSSIAN BUSINESSMEN MOSCOW, 7 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Juri Nikolajew /. the president of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo will meet today in the context of the official attendance with Russian businessmen. How one indicated the RIA " Nowosti " in the State Department Russia is expected, that in the meeting with Russian lines of business also a large group of Nigerian businessmen will take part, which had come together with the president of Nigeria into the Russian capital. Moscow does not satisfy the slow-acting development of the commercialeconomic relations between the two countries. Therefore it is not from approximate that Russia and Nigeria gave the main attention of economic problems and de Suche for effective ways to the preparation of the commercialeconomic relations during the negotiations taken place the previous evening. On Tuesday the presidents of Russia and Nigeria for the development of the commercialeconomic relations discussion themselves and explained that the Russian-Nigerian foreign trade conversion must be brought in the next five years on a level of at least 500 million dollar in the year. It is reminded of the fact that the external concerning conversion amounted in previous year to approximately 50 million dollar. As the RIA admits " Nowosti " from informed sources became, the participation of the " Tjashpromexport " becomes earliest at the completion of the building and the line-up of the hut collective combine in Adjaokuta (1.3 millions t steel in the year) one of the priority directions of the co-operation becomes, with whose building still in the Soviet times had been begun. That is a purely commercial project, and the Russian government does not take over obligations. For the completion of the building about 465 will be million dollar necessary. The " Tjashpromexport " is ready to fulfill the work under the prerequisite of the financing of the project by the Nigerian page. From informed sources the RIA became " Nowosti " also admits that the Russian societies gas PROM and Lukoil had pointed certain interest in community projects to the production and processing of energy resources. It must be stressed that Nigeria belongs with the production of oil and natural gas to the ten first countries in the world.