APPROXIMATELY 3,500 MUSLIMS OF RUSSIA UNDERTOOK PILGERFAHRT IN THIS YEAR MOSCOW, 6 March. / Jekaterina Antipowa, correspondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. round 3,500 Muslims of Russia had undertaken a pilgerfahrt in the current year. That indicated sheikh Rawil Gainutdin, chairman of the Muftirates Russia, on Tuesday on a press conference in Moscow. After its words Saudi Arabia had determined a ratio of 10,000 humans for Russian Pilger. The sheikh expressed however his regret over the fact that even this ratio had not been used in its entirety and all prospective customers had not been able to undertake the Hadsch. He explains by economic problems of the Muslims of Russia: The Pilger had to undertake the journey in its majority at the own expense, only 100 inhabitants of Chechnya undertook the Hadsch at the national expense.