PATRIARCH ALEXI II: A MEETING BETWEEN THE CHIEFS THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOXEN AND THE ROMAN-CATHOLIC CHURCH IS ONLY UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES CONCEIVABLE MOSCOW, 6 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Grigori Tebenichin). The meeting between the chiefs of the Russian Orthodoxen and the Roman-catholic church is " only under certain circumstances possible ", avowed Alexi II., Patriarch of Moscow and whole Russia. In the discussion with the directors/conductors of the orthodoxen municipalities and Russian societies of the GUS states and Baltenlaender on Tuesday he referred the " destruction " the orthodoxen Dioezesen, particularly in the Ukraine to the necessity, to adjust as well as in the Baltic countries. Besides the catholic church must give the expansion up in the characteristic areas of the Russian Orthodoxen church according to the Patriarchen. It referred in particular to the " destruction " the Dioezesen Lwow, Ternopol and Iwano Frankowsk, according to which the orthodoxen Ukrainer without religious steering element remained. Before the meeting with Johannes Paul II. is to be re-created the status quo, stressed the Patriarch. " in such serious questions no compromise is possible ", said the Patriarch conviction-strongly.