RUSSIAN EXPERTS WELCOMING THE GOVERNMENT RESOLUTION OVER THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF THE NATIONAL DEBT MOSCOW, 6 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Olga Chlebnowa). The structure of a uniform system for the administration of the national debt and financial active in Russia can represent a basis for the regulation of the debt problem of the country. On behalf of the government the Treasury is to submit a concept of this system in April. The uniform system is to function as an instrument for the stage-wise solution of the debt problem and for the saving of the household expenses for the debt service. The system is the basis a clear memorandum between the powers at the management of the national debt. Today these powers were classified on different offices. The concept presupposes however the education of a national debt agency. This agency will enter in particular the national debt and pays the risks off analyze, which serve national debt, to managen and loans take. Independent experts evaluate this initiative positively. According to Alexander Chandrujew, former deputy chairmen of the central bank of Russia, the debt agencies experience-moderately completely and worked everywhere. " that is a correct step ", said also Oleg Wjugin, former deputy Minister of Finance, today vice-president of the investment company troika dialog. It reminded of the fact that in the year 2003 for Russia point payments occur after the debts. Therefore the structure of this system would permit to solve the problem more effectively. In the meantime are the experts of the opinion the fact that the structure of a uniform management system of the national debt alterations at the normative base and organizational decisions required and therefore 2 to 5 years can take up.