OFFICIAL EXCHANGE RATES OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF RUSSIA TO 7 MARCH MOSCOW, 6 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent). The central bank of Russia determined the following official courses to 7 March: 1 Australian dollar 14,90 100 Belgian francs 65,93 1 British Pound of 41,97 10 Danish crowns 35,63 1 German Mark of 13,60 1 euro 26,60 10 Finnmark 44,73 10 French franc 40,55 1,000 Greek Drachmen 78,07 1 Irish Pound of 33,77 100 Icelandic crowns 33,33 1,000 Italian lire 13,74 100 Japanese Yen 24,10 1 Canadian dollar 18,55 100 Kasachi Tenge 19,68 1 Netherlands gulden 12,07 10 Norwegian crowns 32,34 10 Austrian Schilling 19,33 100 Portuguese escudos 13,27 10 Swedish crowns 29,43 1 Swiss Franconia 17,32 1 Singapore dollar 16,31 100 Spanish pesetas 15,99 1 SZR * 37,04 1,000,000 Turkish lire 31,81 10 Ukrainian Griwna 52,57 1 US Dollar 28,63 1 of,000 Byelorussian roubles 22,83 * SZR - Special drawing rights of the International Monetary Fund (IWF)