CONTRACT OVER FRIENDSHIP AND CO-OPERATION BETWEEN RUSSIA AND CHINA ARE SIGNED IN MOSCOW PEKING, 6 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Isajew /. in the course of the Russia attendance of the chairman of the VRCh Jiang Zemin in this July is signed the contract over friendship and co-operation between China and Russia. The avowed on Tuesday in Peking of the ministers of foreign affairs of the VRCh seaweed Jiaxuan in its speech in the parliament of the country. After its words the present Treaty lifts the relations between our countries on a new level. The director/conductor of the State Department China emphasized that Chinese-Russian co-operation very successfully develops at present. The two countries demonstrate a " new type of the intergovernmental relations " in practice. According to estimation of the Chinese minister of foreign affairs the relations between the two countries is based " on principles of the equal partnership, which is not directed against third countries ". It underlined that China and Russia are " good friends, good neighbours and good partners ". The director/conductor of the office with regard to foreign policy of the VRCh emphasized that " the relations between the two countries develops in political, economic, scientific-technologic, military and successfully in other areas very ". In this year, he explained, in the relations between the two countries new moments will develop. China and Russia will continue the exchange at highest level. Seaweed Jiaxuan indicated that the president of Russia Vladimir Putin will twice visit in the year 2001 China. In the summer he will take part in the summit of the Schanghaier five and in the autumn in the summit of asiatic-Pacific restaurant co-operation.