A UNIFORM DIGITAL LIBRARY CREATES THE MUSCOVITES PATRIARCHIE MOSCOW, 6 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Jekaterina Archipowa). A uniform digital library creates the Muscovites Patriarchie, which will include specification concerning history and the current status of all Dioezesen, clergymen schools, monasteries and municipalities of the Russian Orthodoxen church, was reported from the department of the external church relations. This work is carried out according to religious Wsewolod Tschaplin starting from 23 February. The working group Kliment, manages archbishop of Kaluga and Borowsk. " we deal with ourselves with the library in fulfilment of the determination of the anniversary council of the archbishops, which referred to the necessity, one generally accessible database to create ", described father Wsewolod. The library will contain photo -, audio -, video material, addresses of all municipalities and monasteries of Russia, faith instruction texts, collection of the church laws and much different one. For the moment to ask in connection with the coding and storage of the church information as well as perspectives and phases of the formation of the church library Muscovites of the patriarchats are discussed. " we will try to reflect the current life of the church conceivablly completely ", said Tschaplin.