THE PRESS SPEAKER OF THE WHITE HOUSE EXPLAINED THE USA EXPECTING THE PRESERVATION OF GOOD RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA WASHINGTON, 6 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Arkadi Orlow /. the USA expect the preservation of good relations with Russia. The avowed press speaker of the white house Ari butcher on Monday in Washington in answer of the question of journalists thereafter how the arrest of the FBI coworker Robert Hanssen, to which the espionage is put to the load, can affect mutual relations between the USA and Russia. After words of butcher George Bush in the course of its whole election campaign said that he has the intention of leading with Russia " sincere and direct negotiations ". Such Herangehen corresponds to " manners and the style of the US president ", stressed butchers and emphasized that " he does not see features for it that this will change ". Dealt with messages of American mass media over it that by the secret services of the USA a secret tunnel under the Russian message in Washington could be built, it explained butchers that he would not like himself to express to this topic. With the fact it underlined that all negotiations between the USA and Russia will carry a closed character to this question.