UPPER HOUSE OF THE PARLIAMENT BECOMES LAW OVER ALTERATIONS AT THE HOUSEHOLD 2001 DISCUSSING MOSCOW, 5 March. / Marija Balynina, correspondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. in the provisional agenda of the session of the federation advice / upper house of the parliament /, which is to be held on 14 March, was taken up the law over the alterations and supplements of the household for 2001. Its target consists of fulfilling commitments from the external debts. In former times this law had been approved of of the Staatsduma / House of Commons of the parliament /. As the government chairman Mikhail Kasjanow indicated, the government had already begun at 1 March with the payment by instalments of the external debts of Russia in its entirety. In the discussion with the RIA " Nowosti " expressed Konstantin Titow, chairman of the budget committee of the upper house, certain appearing strange over it that the government with the payment by instalments of the debts had begun, without waiting for the approval of the law by the senators, stated however that the upper house will most probably approve of this law.