SOMETIMES AND NOT YET CELEBRATION PUT THE LIBERALS TO RIGHTS WITH THE CONFIDENCE REFUSAL IN RELATION TO THE GOVERNMENT MOSCOW, 5 March. (RIA "Nowosti" correspondent Marija Posdnjakowa). The parliamentary group union of right forces (soot Abk.: SPS) and the liberal parliamentary group Jabloko made sometimes no final decision over the confidence refusal approximately over the government by the Staatsduma - House of Commons of the parliament -. This became after the session of the coordination advice of the two parliamentary groups admits. " the consultation is continued in this connection within this whole week, whereby the entgueltige decision is made directly before the tuning over this question ", said before the press vice-chairman of the Staatsduma Irina Chakamada. Chakamada stressed at the same time that SPS and Jabloko behave negatively " for the work of the government ". The cabinet fulfills the liberals of programs only under political pression ", to avowed Irina Chakamada.