PRESIDENTS OF THE UKRAINE AND RUSSIA DISCUSSED RELATIONS BETWEEN BOTH COUNTRIES IN THE TELEPHONE CALL KIEW, 5 March. / Viktor Demidenko, korrespondent of the RIA " Nowosti " /. Leonid Kutschma, president of the Ukraine, and Vladimir Putin, president of Russia, discussed a broad set of questions, which concern the far coil and recess of the Ukrainian-Russian relations in the Telefongespaerch. As is reported from the pressedienst of the Ukrainian head of state, Leonid Kutschma have and Vladimir Putin opinions over the status and the development of the relations between both countries exchanged as well as a broad set of international questions and the situation in individual regions discusses. Vladimir Putin congratulated to Leonid Kutschma to on 1 March the presidency begun of the Ukraine in the UNO security council. The two heads of state have the necessity to implement the declarations/agreements made with the Ukrainian-Russian summit in Dnepropetrowsk faster stressed and further actions for the development of the dialog co-ordinated on the highest level, announce the pressedienst.