PALESTINIAN SPEAKER CONDEMNS THE BREAKUP IN NATANYA DAMASCUS, 5 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Alexander Krasnow). Basam Abu Sherif, advisor of the director/conductor of the Palestinian autonomy Yasser Arafat, condemns the act of terrorism in the city Natanya. " we occur against it and condemn any assaults on civilians, who are made by the Palestinians or by the Israeli army and Israeli Ansiedlern ", said he. The Palestinian representative stressed here that the Israeli government has to answer for such bloody internal messages, the military force against the whole Palestinian people begins. Basam Abu Sherif referred to the necessity to take up the Palestinian-Israeli peace negotiations again in order to stop " the Israeli crew and to fulfill the resolutions of the UN security council over the deduction of the Israeli troops of the filled areas. This becomes peace, security and stability in the region protects ", said it.