IN THIS WEEK FRANCE DOCUMENTS FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF MIKHAIL SHIWILO AT RUSSIA TRANSFERRING NOWOSIBIRSK, 5 March. (RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Maxim Koschmartschuk). The documents, which are necessary for the distribution of the Russian entrepreneur arrested in France Mikhail Shiwilo, are transferred to the French page already in the middle of this week, were reported from the public prosecutor's office of the area Nowosibirsk. The chief public prosecutor's office of Russia already created documents, which prove the participation of the entrepreneur at the heavy crime. The documents were translated completely into the French. Mikhail Shiwilo, Chef of the company MIKOM, is accused of its that he organized an impact against Aman Tulejew, at that time governor of the area Kemerowo. Starting from the previous autumn Shiwilo internationally one searched and one arrested on 22 February in Paris in the job the interpole. For the moment the entrepreneur is accommodated in Paris prisons the Sante. On the distribution of Shiwilo to the Russian legal protection organs the French court will decide.