REPRESENTATIVES OF RUSSIA AND JAPAN TREATED QUESTIONS OF THE FORTHCOMING SUMMIT TOKYO, 5 March. / RIA "Nowosti" rIA-"Nowosti"-Korrespondent Wjatscheslaw Bantin /. with the Russian-Japanese consultations on the level of the deputy ministers of foreign affairs of the two countries, taken place in Tokyo, had been treated among other things the question, in who context in the course of the bilateral summit on 25 March in Irkutsk the Soviet-Japanese common assertion can be begun to cut from the year 1956. That indicated the deputy minister of foreign affairs of Russia Alexander Losjukow in its RIA "Nowosti" interview. In the common assertion from the year 1956 Moscow had ready explained itself as character of the good will to transfer Japan two of four islands of the Suedkurilen after the signing of the peace treaty. In the future Japan refused signing the present Treaty on such conditions and required the transfer of all four islands. Alexander Losjukow indicated that during the consultations questions, which can be begun to cut on the summit as well as the pattern of the execution of the meeting of the prominent representatives of the two countries had been treated. The Japanese page, said the deputy minister of foreign affairs of Russia, assumes this meeting will take place, and that one must prepare for it actively. We agree with such Herangehen, stressed Losjukow.